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Plant manager arrested following mixer accident that kills three kids

http://www.chemnet.com   Apr 29,2015 Global Times
A plant manager in South China's Guangdong Province was arrested Monday over allegations of negligence after three people died and and one was injured, authorities said Tuesday.

In late March, four children in Huizhou City were playing in a cement plant and accidently entered a cement mixer.

The Procuratorate of Huicheng District told Xinhua that Huang, the manager, should be aware of the dangers of children playing on site, but his negligence caused the tragedy. He was arrested by police on Monday.

The cement plant was not certified, the mixer had no safety shield or warning signs, and there were safety risks in its power switch and electricity box, as discovered through an investigation by local work safety authorities.

Huang told police that the power switch was not out of reach for the kids, and there was no guard stationed at the plant after workers went home.

Further investigation is under way.
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