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http://china.chemnet.com   2010年07月02日 11:09:58  中国化工网

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  生意社7月2日讯 2010年5月24日—25日,由中国石油和化学工业协会、伊朗商会以及中国化工网联合举办的“2010中伊石化产业投资贸易洽谈会”在宁波隆重举行,伊朗石化商业公司上海分公司执行董事郝森尼先生作为特邀专家作了精彩报告。会后一个月中国化工网对郝森尼先生进行了专访。















  英文版:Hello Mr Hosseini, This is Melissa from China Chemnet. China Chemnet is one of the organizers of‘China and Iran Petrochemical Industry Investment and Trade Summit 2010’. The meeting ended nearly a month, we want to do a personal exclusive interview for you.

  ChemNet: First, Mr Hosseini, could you give a introduction to some absent China enterprises, now which advantages does Iran have to attract foreign investment?

  Hosseini: first, After Russia, Iran possesses the world’s second largest gas reserve. The reserve are commercially recoverable for the next 400 years, where as, Russian gas reserves will be depleted in the next 70 years. For foreign investors who look for a strategic partnership in petrochemical industry, Iran offers the best possible choice. Second, the new Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act(FIPPA), provides full and transparent support to investors based on international standards.

  ChemNet: can you give me a brief introduction to your company?

  Hosseini: With 20 years of experience, is the largest supplier of Iran’s Petrochemical products to the international markets. It is also one of the major Middle-Eastern companies, which is involved in marketing and sales of petrochemical products to the domestic and overseas markets. Trying to expand its market presence through improving product quality and offering better services to meet customers needs and finally satisfying them are amongst PCC’s main objectives. To achieve these objectives, PCC established foreign offices in the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Singapore, India, United Arab Emirates, Turkey and South Korea, which are currently strengthening PCC’s position in the global markets.

  ChemNet: which plans your company have for the Chinese market?

  Hosseini: About plan, first promoting PCC’s market Share (especially in polymers and basic chemicals) through development sales networks, bilateral business relationship with end-users joint marketing. Second, evaluation of Chinese capable producers of catalysts, machinery and spare parts and provide more options to fulfill Iran petrochemical industries needs through SPEC. Third, joint investment in Petrochemical downstream industries in Iran or China.

  ChemNet: Which main products does PCC export to China?

  Hosseini: The petrochemical products that we export to China are about 17 types, but our main products are Polymers, Methanol, Glycols and Aromatics. It accounts about 25% of total value of our export to overseas.

  ChemNet: What’s the goal of PCC in the future?

  Hosseini: To become a Trade Center for Chemicals and Petrochemicals, to be among Top Three Suppliers of petrochemicals in China market and to develop more reliable supplier for required Chemicals, Machineries and Spare Parts for Iran petrochemical industries.

  ChemNet: Mr Hosseini, how do you view China petrochemical industry information media?

  Hosseini: China Chemnet does well in petrochemical industry information field and also has affects in chemical information field. China Chemnet has cooperated with some domestic and international famous enterprises on many big projects. It obtains prominence achievements in investigation consulting, price info, conference propaganda field and also gets fully approbation from industry persons. As the one of the organizers of this conference Chemnet also does a good job.

  ChemNet: Ok, thank you very much, Mr Hosseini.

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